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Of Pizza and Haiku

Posted by on May 3rd, 2011 with Comments Off on Of Pizza and Haiku


I’d never thought I’d see the day, but I am missing Adelaide. Well… mostly Glenelg – the beach, the relaxed atmosphere, the cafes and restaurants, and above all Good Life Pizza.

Maybe it was their friendly Facebook reminder last Friday to order early for takeaway, so you could curl up in front of the Royal Wedding, that did it. The photo looked sooooo delicious (that’s it above, I didn’t think they’d mind me sharing it with you!). I cheekily asked if they delivered to Melbourne. They replied that they would check flights, but not to count on it! I know they don’t deliver. It’s just another example of that fun repartee that has always accompanied their amazing pizzas.

It is this rapport, as well as the great food, that kept us going back, time after time, after time, after time… Sharing renovation stories, food tips, career advice, baby photos and the occasional beer after a shift with staff, are among our many happy memories of our times there. While we are no longer regulars, when we do dine there on our occasional trips to Adelaide, we are always welcomed with open arms.

We’ve gathered friends with the simple call, “duckduckduckduckduckduck”. Laughed. Chilled. Drunk too many bottles of Alicante. Eaten too much Swiss Brown Mushroom Pizza (is there such a thing?)

We’ve even written poetry there (once, it was even about the pizza – see Pizza Haiku below).

Yes, the food is great. Yes, the atmosphere is warm and inviting. But for us, Good Life has created something else, something we have been privileged to be a part of (at least for a little while). Community.

Too often, we shut ourselves into our own little world, even when we’re surrounded by other people: on the train; waiting in a queue; or even when dining out at a restaurant.

Let’s not forget that those waiters, bar tenders and managers are people too, with stories, interests and lives.  Who knows – a little friendly repartee could change your good dining experience into a great one.

Pizza Haiku

Pizza on my mind
sparkling wine with melted cheese
eaten with gusto

Moments worth keeping
music with friends, food and wine
Love from the divine

Organic, sublime
Flavours, music, friends
Pizza at week’s end

P.S. Good Life is by no means the only place where we have experienced “community” while dining out. Here are a few more places that we think deserve a little recognition – Indochine, Glenelg; Europa, Glenelg; Ripe, Sassafras; Earthly Pleasures, Belgrave; The City Wine Shop, Melbourne; Tancat, Buenos Aires. (Q: why don’t restaurants have their own websites?)

Who do you think deserves a little recognition for creating Community, as well as providing great food? I’m sure we’d all prefer to dine somewhere friendly.

P.P.S. If you run a restaurant or café, might I suggest you consider “community” as a good financial investment. If we’re anything to go by, repeat business, celebrating special occasions with friends and spreading word of mouth, is great for the bottom line (if not for our wallets!)

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Hi, I’m Cath

Cath Connell

Creating my amazing life one tiny moment at a time. Bringing the hubby, our young lad and about a dozen tomato plants along for the ride.

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